Ins and Outs of Being 50: End of my blog break

Well it appears I took another blogging break. I can’t lie getting into this hobby has been a struggle for me. I enjoy it and have a lot of things to say and ideas to share, it just appears that the putting them in writing and sharing them is the roadblock for me.

Thank you for bearing with me and my “Project ADD”, I am jumping back in and taking another stab at it.

Moving forward you will see such topics as, “Fitness and Diet”, “Living Life after Breast Cancer”, “Travel Destinations and Tips”, “Raising a Goofy German Shepherd”, “Raising Backyard Chickens”, “Cooking”, “Crafts”, “Hosting Parties”, “Empty Nesting”, etc.

The Project ADD is strong and this blog will be a testament to it. I have done my research and the experts say that your blog should be focused and contain material related to one topic. Well, that is not for me. I have TOO MANY IDEAS and THOUGHTS in my head for that. So, if controlled chaos is not for you then maybe my blogging journey won’t be a match. However, if you are like me and have a constant flow of thoughts, ideas, and projects then this is the place for you, and I look forward to having you join me on the crazy ride!

Here’s to a fresh start.

